European initiative for the sustainable safe use of coal derived chemicals |
REACH for Coal Chemicals (R4CC) |
R4CC Membership/ Letter of Access (LoA)
The European Chemical Agency (ECHA) operates the internet platform REACH-IT as official communication tool providing information on all registrants of a substance.
With registration of all substances above 1 mt/y the phase-in period of REACH ended. Today an inquiry process is needed to allow ECHA to decide on substance identity. The aim is to have one single joint submission dossier per substance.
R4CC currently does not accept new Members. The access to R4CC registration dossiers can be obtained after purchase of a Letter of Access (LoA). Interested parties are invited to contact the R4CC helpdesk. The passed ECHA inquiry process ensures the right allocation of your substance in the R4CC portfolio.
R4CC |
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